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Alexis Duc is a French photographer and filmmaker. After his years of photography studies,

he continued his training in an autodidact manner and discovered the photogram process. 

The possibility of being able to produce unique images, through the absence of the camera, seems to him to be the source of a new creative opportunity.

The fact of intervening directly on the support at real size, gives him the notion of gesture.

His work then evolves towards different research which involves light, with or without objects, compared to photosensitive materials.

*A photogram is a photographic image produced without a camera, obtained by interposing objects between the photosensitive support and the light source.

*A luminogram is an image created by exposing sensitive surfaces to light without the intervention of an object. ​


The first photograms date from the 19th century and go back to the origins of photography, when several scientists experimented with the sensitivity of certain emulsions. During the 20th century many artists began to use it for artistic purposes.


​ "When everything we call art was well covered with rheumatism, the photographer lit the thousands of candles in his lamp and the sensitive paper gradually absorbed the black cut from some everyday objects. “Tristan Tzara

2024 | Alexis Duc 

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